The Mutt E-Mail Client : Reference : Configuration variables : index_format
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6.3.86. index_format

Type: string
Default: "%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s"

This variable allows you to customize the message index display to your personal taste.

``Format strings'' are similar to the strings used in the ``C'' function printf to format output (see the man page for more detail). The following sequences are defined in Mutt:


address of the author


reply-to address (if present; otherwise: address of author)


filename of the original message folder (think mailBox)


the list to which the letter was sent, or else the folder name (%b).


number of characters (bytes) in the message


current message number


date and time of the message in the format specified by ``date_format'' converted to sender's time zone


date and time of the message in the format specified by ``date_format'' converted to the local time zone


current message number in thread


number of messages in current thread


entire From: line (address + real name)


author name, or recipient name if the message is from you


message-id of the current message


number of lines in the message (does not work with maildir, mh, and possibly IMAP folders)


If an address in the To or CC header field matches an address defined by the users ``subscribe'' command, this displays "To <list-name>", otherwise the same as %F.


total number of message in the mailbox


number of hidden messages if the thread is collapsed.


message score


author's real name (or address if missing)


(_O_riginal save folder) Where mutt would formerly have stashed the message: list name or recipient name if no list


subject of the message


status of the message (N/D/d/!/r/*)


`to:' field (recipients)


the appropriate character from the $to_chars string


user (login) name of the author


first name of the author, or the recipient if the message is from you


`x-label:' field, if present


`x-label' field, if present, and (1) not at part of a thread tree, (2) at the top of a thread, or (3) `x-label' is different from preceding message's `x-label'.


message status flags


the date and time of the message is converted to sender's time zone, and ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function ``strftime''; a leading bang disables locales


the date and time of the message is converted to the local time zone, and ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function ``strftime''; a leading bang disables locales


the local date and time when the message was received. ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function ``strftime''; a leading bang disables locales


the current local time. ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function ``strftime''; a leading bang disables locales.


right justify the rest of the string and pad with character "X"


pad to the end of the line with character "X"

See also: `` $to_chars''.

The Mutt E-Mail Client : Reference : Configuration variables : index_format
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