The Mutt E-Mail Client : Reference : Configuration variables : pop_authenticators
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6.3.186. pop_authenticators

Type: string
Default: ""

This is a colon-delimited list of authentication methods mutt may attempt to use to log in to an POP server, in the order mutt should try them. Authentication methods are either 'user', 'apop' or any SASL mechanism, eg 'digest-md5', 'gssapi' or 'cram-md5'. This parameter is case-insensitive. If this parameter is unset (the default) mutt will try all available methods, in order from most-secure to least-secure.

Example: set pop_authenticators="digest-md5:apop:user"

The Mutt E-Mail Client : Reference : Configuration variables : pop_authenticators
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Next: pop_auth_try_all