The Mutt E-Mail Client : Reference : Functions : generic
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6.4.1. generic

The generic menu is not a real menu, but specifies common functions (such as movement) available in all menus except for pager and editor. Changing settings for this menu will affect the default bindings for all menus (except as noted).

bottom-page                L   move to the bottom of the page
current-bottom     not bound   move current entry to bottom of page
current-middle     not bound   move current entry to middle of page
current-top        not bound   move current entry to top of page
enter-command              :   enter a muttrc command
exit                       q   exit this menu
first-entry                =   move to the first entry
half-down                  ]   scroll down 1/2 page
half-up                    [   scroll up 1/2 page
help                       ?   this screen
jump                  number   jump to an index number
last-entry                 *   move to the last entry
middle-page                M   move to the middle of the page
next-entry                 j   move to the next entry
next-line                  >   scroll down one line
next-page                  z   move to the next page
previous-entry             k   move to the previous entry
previous-line              <   scroll up one line
previous-page              Z   move to the previous page
refresh                   ^L   clear and redraw the screen
search                     /   search for a regular expression
search-next                n   search for next match
search-opposite    not bound   search for next match in opposite direction
search-reverse         ESC /   search backwards for a regular expression
select-entry             RET   select the current entry
shell-escape               !   run a program in a subshell
tag-entry                  t   toggle the tag on the current entry
tag-prefix                 ;   apply next command to tagged entries
top-page                   H   move to the top of the page

The Mutt E-Mail Client : Reference : Functions : generic
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