The Mutt E-Mail Client : Reference : Functions : compose
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6.4.7. compose

attach-file                a   attach a file(s) to this message
attach-message             A   attach message(s) to this message
attach-key             ESC k   attach a PGP public key
copy-file                  C   save message/attachment to a file
detach-file                D   delete the current entry
display-toggle-weed        h   display message and toggle header weeding
edit-bcc                   b   edit the BCC list
edit-cc                    c   edit the CC list
edit-description           d   edit attachment description
edit-encoding             ^E   edit attachment transfer-encoding
edit-fcc                   f   enter a file to save a copy of this message in
edit-from              ESC f   edit the from: field
edit-file               ^X e   edit the file to be attached
edit-headers               E   edit the message with headers
edit                       e   edit the message
edit-mime                  m   edit attachment using mailcap entry
edit-reply-to              r   edit the Reply-To field
edit-subject               s   edit the subject of this message
edit-to                    t   edit the TO list
edit-type                 ^T   edit attachment type
filter-entry               F   filter attachment through a shell command
forget-passphrase         ^F   wipe PGP passphrase from memory
ispell                     i   run ispell on the message
new-mime                   n   compose new attachment using mailcap entry
pgp-menu                   p   show PGP options
pipe-entry                 |   pipe message/attachment to a shell command
postpone-message           P   save this message to send later
print-entry                l   print the current entry
rename-file                R   rename/move an attached file
send-message               y   send the message
toggle-unlink              u   toggle whether to delete file after sending it
view-attach              RET   view attachment using mailcap entry if necessary
write-fcc		   w   write the message to a folder

The Mutt E-Mail Client : Reference : Functions : compose
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