North American B25H Mitchell

Plane: North American B25H Mitchell

Weight (Empty/Loaded/Max): 21,100lb/ / 33,500lb

Wing Area: 609.8sq ft

Wing Loading: 34.6lb/sq ft / / 54.9lb/sq ft

Length: 53' 6"

Span: 67' 7"

Wing Aspect Ratio: 7.5

Engine: 2x 1,700hp Wright Cyclone R-2600-13 Radial

Flaps: 3 settings


Control Feel:

Stall Speed 1k (No Flaps/Full Flaps) 105mph / 95mph


  type/ammo ROF Duration WB Punch Muzzle Velocity Ammo/Gun
Primary: 4x.50cal MG 12/s 33.4s 6x.50cal/ping 2,810ft/s 400
Secondary: 4x.50cal MG 12/s 33.4s 6x.50cal/ping 2,810ft/s 400
Alternate Secondary: 1x75mm Cannon 1 every 4 seconds 84s 1x75mm/ping ???? 21
Otto: Top Turret: 2x.50cal MG
Tail Turret: 2x.50cal MG
Left Waist 1x.50cal MG
Right Waist 1x.50cal MG

0: 6x500lb bombs
1: 2x1,000lb bombs
2: 8xRockets + 6x500lb bombs
3: 8xRockets + 12x100lb bombs

Fuel Time/Percent: 47seconds/percent

Power/weight (Empty/Loaded/Max): 6.2lb/hp / / 9.9lb/hp

Corner Velocity: 270 mph

Durability: Good

WEP time: No WEP


  1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
Stall-200mph 36.5s 39.9s 55.4s 74.8s
150mph-200mph 26.0s 30.9s 42.1s 57.6s
200mph-250mph 71.3s 106.5s - -
250mph-300mph - - - -

1k-5k: 112s
5k-10k: 178s
10k-15k: 209s

Zoom Climb:
1k 400mph:
1k 300mph: +2,600ft


  Max Speed After 30s After 60s
15,000ft to 10,000ft 350mph 270mph 255mph
15,000ft to 5,000ft - - -
10,000ft to 5,000ft 385mph 290mph 265mph
10,000ft to 1,000ft - - -
5,000ft to 1,000ft 360mph 285mph 270mph

Max Speed

  1,000ft 5,000ft
Climbing before levelling 250mph 250mph
Diving before levelling 260mph 255mph

Turn Performance

300mph 1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
One 360 17.9s 18.6s 20.1s -
Two 360s 43.3s 45.1s 53.3s -
One 360 19.4s 21.8s 22.7s 25.4s
Two 360s 45.3s 50.3s 57.6s 65.3s
No Flaps 27.8s 33.3s 36.8s 44.6s
Full Flaps 30.2s 35.4s 43.3s 53.7s
Best Flap none none none none
Speed/best 150mph 145mph 140mph 140mph

Corner Speed and Radii (1,000ft):

Speed: 270mph
Radius: 531ft
Sustained Turn Speed: 145mph
Sustained Turn Radius: 912ft
Full Flaps Speed: 110mph
Full Flaps Radius: 774ft

Corner Times 1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
180 degrees 8.2s 8.4s 9.1s 9.4s
360 degrees 18.9s 19.3s 20.9s 23.7s

Roll Rate:
150mph: 13.3s
200mph: 11.0s
250mph: 10.1s
300mph: 11.9s
350mph: 20.8s

Minimum Full-Flaps Full-Power Split-S altitude:
150mph: 1,400ft
200mph: 1,400ft
250mph: 1,800ft

Hoof's Tips and Opinions:

The B25H is a variant of the North American B25 Medium Bomber that is armed to the teeth. Intended for low altitude work, against shipping and ground targets, the B25H has no nordon or other bombsight. Instead the nose is covered over, with armored plating between it and the rest of the plane, and an arsenal of weapons added. Four .50cal machine guns were added to the nose, and four more on the side of the fuselage, giving eight .50 cal machine guns at the command of the pilot. In addition, a 75mm cannon is installed, loaded manually, allowing an airborne field gun at the disposal of the B25. This is, of course, in addition to the six other defensive guns mounted in a top turret, a tail mount, and two waist mounts. Thus a grand total of 14 .50cal machine guns, over 5,600 rounds of .50cal machine gun ammunition, and a 75mm field gun are mounted on this bird. Plus she can carry eight 5" rockets and a full bomb load too.

Unfortunately, as happens in war, all this impressive firepower and armament is not terribly useful in Warbirds. Otto is useful, as it is on any bomber, but the eight .50cal guns are all but useless against fighters as the plane maneuvers like an overweight pig. Neither the machine guns or the 75mm cannon are useful against ground targets as the Ack has a nasty habit of shredding the bomber during and after the first pass on a target. Against shipping she is again useless, as the only ships in Warbirds are the Carrier Fleet and the ack they carry make short work of the B25H. Thus in the current setup, the B25H serves a limited role, mostly used by joy riders hell-bent on ravaging some poor pilot with the 75mm cannon no matter how many B25s it cost. The more common use for it, especially as she is a poor dive bomber, is as flying Ack. Hopefully future incarnations of Warbirds add ground targets that the B25 can attack with less risk to the plane.

It is interesting to compare this plane to the B25J. Both planes have the same weight limit, but fully loaded, the B25H can only carry 2 1,000lb bombs, not 3 like the B25J (why it can carry the same number of 500lb bombs I don't know). But the extra armor in the nose and elsewhere in the plane, in addition to three more .50cal machine guns in the nose, a solid armored nose, and a 75mm cannon (the cannon alone weighs 900lbs, not including the ammunition, 15lbs per shell, and the support equipment for the cannon), all add up to a greater normal weight for a given bomb load and fuel setting for the H variant over the J. Thus the B25J is more maneuverable, climbs better, is faster, and in a head-to-head duel should win assuming the B25H doesn't nail it first with the 75mm cannon or with a burst of .50cal fire.

IMO, the fact that the two B25s have different characteristic is another testament to Warbird's attention to detail. It would be so easy to strip out the extra armament, add a nordon, alter the art, and call the B25H a B25J. Rather than do this, the B25J has a whole different flight model (although similar) to the B25H. This kind of detailing is one of the major reasons that Warbirds keeps so ahead of any competition as far as the flight model goes.

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