Nakajima B5N2 Kate

Plane: Nakajima B5N2 Kate

Weight (Empty/Loaded/Max): 5,024 lb / 8,378 lb / 9,039 lb

Wing Area: 405.8sq ft

Wing Loading: 12.3 lb/sq ft / 20.6 lb/sq ft / 22.3 lb/sq ft

Length: 33' 10"

Span: 50' 11"

Wing Aspect Ratio: 6.4

Engine: 1,000hp Nakajima NK1B Sakae 11 Radial

Flaps: 2 settings


Control Feel:

Stall Speed 1k (No Flaps/Full Flaps) 60mph / 50mph


  type/ammo ROF Duration WB Punch Muzzle Velocity Ammo/Gun
No pilot-controlled guns            
Otto: 1x7.7mm Type 92 MG (tail) 9.7/s 69.6s 1.2x.30cal/ping 2,500ft/s 679

0: 1xTorpedo
1: 2x500lb bombs
2: 1x1,000lb bomb
3: 1x500lb bomb

Fuel Time/Percent: 65 seconds/percent

Power/weight (Empty/Loaded/Max): 5.0 lb/hp / 8.4 lb/hp / 9.0 lb/hp

Corner Velocity: 195mph

Durability: Horrible

WEP time: No WEP


  1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
Stall-200mph 49s 66s 195mph max 180mph max
150mph-200mph 33.6s 38.7s - -
200mph-250mph - - - -
250mph-300mph - - - -

1k-5k: 92s
5k-10k: 128s
10k-15k: 150s

Zoom Climb:
1k 400mph:
1k 300mph: +2,200ft


  Max Speed After 30s After 60s
15,000ft to 10,000ft 330mph 225mph 200mph
15,000ft to 5,000ft - - -
10,000ft to 5,000ft 345mph 235mph 210mph
10,000ft to 1,000ft - - -
5,000ft to 1,000ft 345mph 240mph 220mph

Max Speed

  1,000ft 5,000ft
Climbing before levelling 210mph 210mph
Diving before levelling 210mph 210mph

Turn Performance

300mph 1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
One 360 - - - -
Two 360s - - - -
One 360 11.6s 11.5s 11.5s 12.8s
Two 360s 23.8s 24.4s 26.9s 30.2s
No Flaps 13.9s 15.3s 16.5s 20.3s
Full Flaps 14.1s 15.1s 16.3s 20.5s
Best Flap none full full none
Speed/best 105mph 85mph 80mph 95mph

Corner Speed and Radii (1,000ft):

Speed: 195mph
Radius: 277ft
Sustained Turn Speed: 100mph
Sustained Turn Radius: 324ft
Full Flaps Speed: 90mph
Full Flaps Radius: 296ft

Corner Times 1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
180 degrees 4.8s 5.2s 5.7s 6.1s
360 degrees 9.7s 10.3s 11.4s 12.4s

Roll Rate:
150mph: 7.7s
200mph: 8.5s
250mph: 11.3s
300mph: 19.8s

Minimum Full-Flaps Full-Power Split-S altitude:
150mph: 800ft
200mph: 1,300ft
250mph: 1,700ft

Hoof's Tips and Opinions:

The Nakajima B5N2, or Kate as the Allies called her, was the best torpedo bomber in the world before the war with America, and during the first year or so of the war. Rock solid stability, extremely low wing loading, and impressive ordnance load, including carrying the exceptional Japanese Torpedoes of the time all add up to an exceptional plane.

The Kate is a pleasure to take off and land with on a carrier. Like it's carrier-mate, the Val, the Kate has a 50mph stall speed, allowing her to have only a 20mph takeover speed while approaching a carrier. This of course is a tremendous help in landing. The low stall speed has another bonus, it allows an extremely slow speed for dropping the torpedo, the American torpedo bombers used inferior Torpedoes that had much narrower deployment parameters and the planes deploying them had much higher stall speeds requiring higher deployment speeds.

In addition to the traditional torpedo bombing role, the Kate hauls an impressive load for a carrier bomber of the time. She can carry a 1,000lb bomb, or a pair of 500lb bombs, and the Warbird's version comes standard with a Norden Deluxe Dead-Eye bombsight (the same found on WB's B17/B25/Ju88), with the same innards as the Otto Deluxe Aiming and Tracking Gun mounts (found on all the bombers). Thus this baby can drop a 1,000lb bomb from 25,000ft to within 30ft or less.

Unfortunately, the Kate is a bomber through and through. While the Val can fight quite well 1 vs 1 against the fighters of the early years of the war, the Kate cannot. Substantially slower, with a worse climb rate/diving performance/power loading, the only advantage she has is an extremely fast and tight turning ability. Like the Val, the Kate can turn with a Zero. Unfortunately there are no forward firing guns, so the Kate is practically defenseless, and is about the slowest ride in the game. Thus if there is *any* threat of attack, the Kate needs lots of escorting Zeros or Ki43s to keep it alive, and is extremely vulnerable to fire to boot (no self-sealing tanks or pilot armor).

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