Warbirds Acceleration Performance Charts

The Warbirds Acceleration Performance Charts compare the acceleration abilities between the Warbirds' planes.

The methodology used was: Load each plane with 10 minutes worth of fuel. Reduce speed to no flaps stall speed at 1,000ft, then 5,000ft, then 10,000ft then 15,000ft altitudes. Go to full WEP, maintaining level flight, time acceleration from stall to 200mph, then from 150mph to 200mph, then from 200mph to 250mph, and finally (if possible) from 250mph to 300mph.

Stall to 200mph represents the acceleration rates of a plane after coming out of a vertical maneuver, or other situation where straight acceleration is desired. 150mph to 200mph and 200mph to 250mph acceleration are the best overall comparison stats out of the four, as virtually all the planes can attain this acceleration and most plane's maximum speed is well above 250mph, thus allowing these ranges to be a good benchmark . The 250mph to 300mph range is mostly for comparison between the best planes, those that accelerate well through this range probably have top speeds 30-70mph higher than 300mph and have good acceleration, those with high times probably top out at something near 300mph, and those without times couldn't make 300mph at that altitude.

Note: All speeds are in *Indicated* airspeed, and are based on the 1024x768 art instruments for each plane. I used the appropriate art for each plane, so thus art differences may skew results somewhat. As a result, your mileage may vary. Also remember that the stall-200mph rating is influenced by the plane's stall speed, thus a Ki43 with a stall speed of 90mph (no flaps) has to accelerate 110mph, while a Fw190D9's stall speed (no flaps) is 140mph, thus only has to accelerate 60mph almost half as much.


Acceleration by plane stall-200mph (Note: stall speeds for the planes vary, this must be taken into account when doing direct comparisons)

  1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
F6F 15.5s 19.4s 20.4s 32.8s
F4F 31.9s 35.7s 45.1s 60.0s
FM2 23.3s 27.6s 37.4s 52.4s
F4U 19.3s 21.3s 25.3s 28.0s
A6M2 24.9s 26.6s 32.9s 39.1s
A6M3 20.1s 21.9s 28.4s 34.0s
A6M5 21.0s 22.5s 31.0s 34.0s
Ki43 17.5s 21.8s 25.4s 35.0s
Ki84 13.8s 14.9s 17.6s 22.7s
Bf 109E4 21.8s 24.1s 27.3s 35.5s
Bf 109F4 15.8s 19.4s 22.3s 25.2s
Bf 109G6 16.1s 22.3s 22.0s 25.8s
Bf 109G6R6 19.1s 20.7s 24.0s 30.2s
Bf 109K4 14.7s 15.3s 18.5s 22.7s
Bf 110C4 22.2s 25.8s 31.7s 45.5s
Bf 110G2R3 20.4s 21.8s 29.2s 36.3s
Fw190A4 11.9s 12.5s 18.1s 22.0s
Fw190A8 12.2s 13.4s 21.7s 26.4s
Fw190D9 11.2s 12.5s 13.4s 20.1s
SpitIa 20.5s 25.0s 25.0s 37.7s
SpitV 18.0s 19.0s 22.8s 25.5s
SpitIX 15.4s 17.9s 20.5s 25.2s
HurriI 27.2s 30.6s 41.6s 55.9s
HurriIIc 23.9s 29.3s 37.6s 53.7s
P38F 21.1s 26.0s 30.0s 38.9s
P38J 16.0s 18.6s 20.4s 25.9s
P38L 16.1s 17.3s 18.9s 25.2s
P39D 22.6s 23.8s 24.9s 37.7s
P40E 28.6s 32.4s 35.1s 55.6s
P47D 19.6s 21.0s 28.6s 37.1s
P51D 20.7s 21.1s 22.2s 28.0s
D3A2 28.7s 31.7s 33.8s 66.0s
B5N2 49.0s 66.0s - -
SBD-5 40.4s 53.8s 79.4s -
Ju88A4 32.5s 38.9s 59.7s 67.1s
B25H 36.5s 39.9s 55.4s 74.8s
B25J 31.4s 37.2s 57.8s 83.3s
B17G 50.2s 58.1s 66.7s 77.1s
TBF 41.4s 63.5s 98.5s -


Acceleration by plane 150mph-200mph

  1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
F6F 9.8s 11.8s 14.4s 19.3s
F4F 19.1s 21.9s 31.5s 35.7s
FM2 11.9s 15.9s 23.1s 32.1s
F4U 11.1s 12.8s 15.2s 18.9s
A6M2 13.3s 15.2s 19.1s 24.6s
A6M3 10.8s 12.2s 16.3s 19.8s
A6M5 10.7s 12.5s 17.1s 20.5s
Ki43 9.2s 10.9s 12.2s 19.5s
Ki84 7.2s 8.1s 10.4s 13.9s
Bf 109E4 11.8s 13.0s 15.6s 20.4s
Bf 109F4 9.9s 10.6s 12.3s 15.5s
Bf 109G6 9.4s 11.6s 13.5s 16.2s
Bf 109G6R6 11.3s 12.8s 15.8s 19.4s
Bf 109K4 8.4s 9.7s 11.6s 14.4s
Bf 110C4 13.5s 14.5s 19.5s 28.5s
Bf 110G2R3 13.0s 14.4s 18.0s 23.0s
Fw190A4 9.0s 9.1s 16.5s 19.4s
Fw190A8 9.0 10.3 14.1s 17.4s
Fw190D9 8.4s 9.1s 14.1s 17.4s
SpitIa 10.8s 12.5s 14.8s 21.8s
SpitV 9.9s 11.7s 13.8s 15.5s
SpitIX 8.5s 9.9s 12.2s 16.3s
HurriI 15.7s 19.6s 25.1s 33.5s
HurriIIc 14.6s 17.3s 24.2s 34.3s
P38F 12.0s 14.3s 19.0s 24.1s
P38J 9.4s 10.8s 12.6s 16.5s
P38L 9.1s 10.4s 13.1s 16.1s
P39D 12.0s 15.2s 17.1s 24.5s
P40E 15.8s 18.2s 20.9s 32.5s
P47D 12.0s 14.4s 19.9s 24.7s
P51D 10.4s 11.1s 12.5s 19.6s
D3A2 16.0s 18.3s 21.8s 40.6s
B5N2 33.6s 38.7s - -
SBD-5 28.7s 35.2s 56.0s -
Ju88A4 20.4s 26.6s 43.6s 50.3s
B25H 26.0s 30.9s 42.1s 57.6s
B25J 20.3s 26.7s 33.7s 50.8s
B17G 33.6s 38.4s 43.7s 50.8s
TBF 25.8s 34.3s 58.0s -


Acceleration by plane 200mph-250mph

  1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
F6F 11.8s 16.8s 19.7s 26.2s
F4F 30.3s 38.1s - -
FM2 18.0s 24.8s 38.5s -
F4U 13.8s 14.2s 18.0s 24.0s
A6M2 24.6s 27.9s 36.6s 48.5s
A6M3 16.9s 17.4s 23.3s 35.0s
A6M5 15.8s 17.2s 22.3s 35.5s
Ki43 17.1s 17.4s 20.5s 48.0s
Ki84 10.1s 10.9s 14.4s 21.1s
Bf 109E4 18.1s 21.1s 25.0s 34.3s
Bf 109F4 12.3s 13.4s 16.2s 20.8s
Bf 109G6 12.3s 14.5s 17.5s 22.6s
Bf 109G6R6 13.8s 16.6s 22.1s 28.7s
Bf 109K4 9.7s 11.3s 14.1s 18.6s
Bf 110C4 21.2s 25.3s 29.9s 42.0s
Bf 110G2R3 20.1s 23.1s 31.4s 44.0s
Fw190A4 15.6s 16.7s 26.9s 31.0s
Fw190A8 14.7s 19.2s 30.0s 40.4s
Fw190D9 12.7s 14.3s 21.4s 27.7s
SpitIa 17.7s 20.0s 24.0s 35.2s
SpitV 16.2s 18.1s 21.2s 26.7s
SpitIX 13.5s 15.9s 19.4s 23.9s
HurriI 37.3s 49.3s 59.0s -
HurriIIc 30.1s 38.9s 60.0s -
P38F 19.9s 23.0s 29.0s 37.5s
P38J 13.3s 15.9s 18.7s 25.0s
P38L 13.0s 16.4s 18.2s 25.5s
P39D 17.1s 19.0s 22.7s 24.5s
P40E 24.9s 30.3s 34.5s 46.3s
P47D 15.7s 18.4s 23.3s 32.3s
P51D 13.7s 14.0s 17.9s 27.0s
D3A2 - - - -
B5N2 - - - -
SBD-5 - - - -
Ju88A4 38.1s 51.7s - -
B25H 71.3s 106.5s - -
B25J 42.2s 63.0s - -
B17G - - - -
TBF 63.4s - - -



Acceleration by plane 250mph-300mph

  1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
F6F 29.0s 35.0s - -
F4F - - - -
FM2 - - - -
F4U 25.0s 28.0s 37.0s 55.0s
A6M2 - - - -
A6M3 - - - -
A6M5 - - - -
Ki43 - - - -
Ki84 19.7s 22.1s 32.5s 66.0s
Bf 109E4 - - - -
Bf 109F4 33.0s 40.7s 56.8s -
Bf 109G6 29.1s 39.9s 65.5s -
Bf 109G6R6 38.9s 57.8s - -
Bf 109K4 19.5s 22.9s 30.5s 45.1s
Bf 110C4 - - - -
Bf 110G2 100.2 - - -
Fw190A4 23.3s 25.1s 63.0s 97.0s
Fw190A8 24.4s 31.9s 87.5s -
Fw190D9 18.6s 22.8s 35.8s 46.7s
SpitIa - - - -
SpitV 70.0s 84.0s - -
SpitIX 32.1s 38.7s 49.3s 68.0s
HurriI - - - -
HurriIIc - - - -
P38F 57.0s 51.6s 75.0s -
P38J 26.4s 32.0s 41.8s 63.0s
P38L 26.6s 32.8s 45.9s 65.0s
P39D 44.2s 47.1s 54.9s -
P40E - - - -
P47D 26.4s 29.4s 39.5s 64.1s
P51D 22.2s 25.8s 32.3s 50.3s
D3A2 - - - -
B5N2 - - - -
SBD-5 - - - -
Ju88A4 - - - -
B25H - - - -
B25J - - - -
B17G - - - -
TBF - - - -



Acceleration sorted best-worst 150-200mph

  1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
7.2 Ki84
8.4 109K4
8.4 190D9
8.4 SpitIX
9.0 190A4
9.0 190A8
9.1 P38L
9.2 Ki43
9.4 109G6
9.4 P38J
9.8 F6F
9.9 109F4
9.9 SpitV
10.4 P51D
10.7 A6M5
10.8 A6M3
10.8 SpitIa
11.1 F4U
11.3 109G6R6
11.8 109E4
11.9 FM2
12.0 P38F
12.0 P39D
12.0 P47D
13.0 110G2R3
13.3 A6M2
13.5 110C4
14.6 HurriIIc
15.7 HurriI
15.8 P40E
16.0 D3A2
19.2 F4F
20.3 B25J
20.4 Ju88A4
25.8 TBF
26.0 B25H
28.7 SBD-5
33.6 B5N2
33.6 B17G
8.1 Ki84
9.1 190A4
9.1 190D9
9.1 SpitIX
9.7 109K4
10.3 190A8
10.4 P38L
10.6 109F4
10.8 P38J
10.9 Ki43
11.1 P51D
11.6 109G6
11.7 SpitV
11.8 F6F
12.2 A6M3
12.5 A6M5
12.5 SpitIa
12.8 F4U
12.8 109G6R6
13.0 109E5
14.3 P38F
14.4 110G2R3
14.4 P47D
14.5 110C4
15.2 A6M2
15.2 P39D
15.9 FM2
17.3 HurriIIc
18.2 P40E
18.3 D3A2
19.6 HurriI
21.9 F4F
26.6 Ju88A4
26.7 B25J
30.9 B25H
34.3 TBF
35.2 SBD-5
38.4 B17G
38.7 B5N2
10.4 Ki84
11.6 109K4
12.2 Ki43
12.3 109F4
12.5 P51D
12.6 P38J
13.1 P38L
13.5 109G6
13.8 SpitV
14.1 190A8
14.1 190D9
14.1 SpitIX
14.4 F6F
14.8 SpitIa
15.2 F4U
15.6 109E4
15.8 109G6R6
16.3 A6M3
16.5 190A4
17.1 A6M5
17.1 P39D
18.0 110G2R3
19.0 P38F
19.1 A6M2
19.5 110C4
19.9 P47D
20.9 P40E
21.8 D3A2
23.1 FM2
24.2 HurriIIc
25.1 HurriI
31.5 F4F
33.7 B25J
42.1 B25H
43.6 Ju88A4
43.7 B17G
56.0 SBD-5
58.0 TBF

13.9 Ki84
14.4 109K4
15.5 109F4
15.5 SpitV
16.1 P38L
16.2 109G6
16.5 P38J
17.4 190A8
17.4 190D9
17.4 SpitIX
18.9 F4U
19.3 F6F
19.4 109G6R6
19.4 190A4
19.5 Ki43
19.6 P51D
19.8 A6M3
20.4 109E4
20.5 A6M5
21.8 SpitIa
23.0 110G2R3
24.1 P38F
24.5 P39D
24.6 A6M2
24.7 P47D
28.5 110C4
32.1 FM2
32.5 P40E
33.5 HurriI
34.3 HurriIIc
35.7 F4F
40.6 D3A2
50.3 Ju88A4
50.8 B25J
50.8 B17G
57.6 B25H


Acceleration sorted best-worst, 200-250mph

  1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
9.7 109K4
10.1 Ki84
11.8 F6F
12.3 109F4
12.3 109G6
12.7 190D9
13.0 P38L
13.3 P38J
13.5 SpitIX
13.7 P51D
13.8 F4U
13.8 109G6R6
14.7 190A8
15.6 190A4
15.7 P47D
15.8 A6M5
16.2 SpitV
16.9 A6M3
17.1 Ki43
17.1 P39D
17.7 SpitIa
18.0 FM2
18.1 109E4
19.9 P38F
20.1 110G2R3
21.2 110C4
24.6 A6M2
24.9 P40E
30.1 HurriIIc
30.3 F4F
37.3 HurriI
38.1 Ju88A4
42.2 B25J
63.4 TBF
71.3 B25H
10.9 Ki84
11.3 109K4
13.4 109F4
14.0 P51D
14.2 F4U
14.3 190D9
14.5 109G6
15.9 SpitIX
15.9 P38J
16.4 P38L
16.6 109G6R6
16.7 190A4
16.8 F6F
17.2 A6M5
17.4 A6M3
17.4 Ki43
18.1 SpitV
18.4 P47D
19.0 P39D
19.2 190A8
20.0 SpitIa
21.1 109E4
23.0 P38F
23.1 110G2R3
24.8 FM2
25.3 110C4
27.9 A6M2
30.4 P40E
38.1 F4F
38.9 HurriIIc
49.3 HurriI
51.7 Ju88A4
63.0 B25J
106.5 B25H

14.1 109K4
14.4 Ki84
16.2 109F4
17.5 109G6
17.9 P51D
18.0 F4U
18.2 P38L
18.7 P38J
19.4 SpitIX
19.7 F6F
20.5 Ki43
21.2 SpitV
21.4 190D9
22.1 109G6R6
22.3 A6M5
22.7 P39D
23.3 A6M3
23.3 P47D
24.0 SpitIa
25.0 109E4
26.9 190A4
29.0 P38F
29.9 110C4
30.0 190A8
31.4 110G2R3
34.5 P40E
36.6 A6M2
38.5 FM2
59.0 HurriI
60.0 HurriIIc

18.6 109K4
20.8 109F4
21.1 Ki84
22.6 109G6
23.9 SpitIX
24.0 F4U
24.5 P39D
25.0 P38J
25.5 P38L
25.5 SpitV
26.2 F6F
27.0 P51D
27.7 190D9
28.7 109G6R6
31.0 190A4
32.3 P47D
34.3 109E4
35.0 A6M3
35.2 SpitIa
35.5 A6M5
37.5 P38F
40.4 190A8
42.0 110C4
44.0 110G2R3
46.3 P40E
48.0 Ki43
48.5 A6M2


(by plane, 1k, 5k, 10k, 15k, 150-200 to 200-250 to 250-300)

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