Arts Gathering 2008 - Cooking Contest Information

Greetings unto all and sundry!

Cooks! Adventurers! Food lovers! And most especially, Newcomers! Hearken unto me. Dust off your cookbooks, limber up those stirring arms, and fire up the ovens. There will be a cooking contest at Arts Gathering.

The rules: For your potluck contribution, bring a period dish with accompanying Actual Medieval Recipe (or equivalent BRIEF documentation) that you worked from. Prizes will be awarded for beginners and for those more experienced, with a SPECIAL PRIZE for those who bring their very first attempt at making medieval food.

What's that you say? You don't know where to find medieval recipes? Fear not! I will now proceed to bombard you with websites!

A Boke of Gode Cookery
My cooking page
Duke Cariadoc (scroll down for period cookbooks online)
Mestra Rafaella

If that's not enough to get you started, email me privately and I will be happy to help you.

In service,
HL Eulalia de Ravenfeld
Arts and Sciences Defender, Shire of Dragon's Mist

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