Classic Computers: The Tandy Color Computer

Pin-outs for the Tandy Color Computer

The following pin-outs were taken from Introducing Your Color Computer 2 (Tandy Corporation, p.38-39).

RS-232 Pin Location

Looking from the outside at the RS-232-C jack on the Color Computer.

4      1
  3  2

1.              CD        Carrier Detect (Status Input Line)
2.              RD        Receive Data
3.              GND       Zero Voltage Reference
4.              TD        Transmit Data Out

Cassette Jack Pin Location

3       1
 5     4

1.              Remote Control
2.              Signal Ground
3.              Remote Control
4.              Input from Recorder's EARphone Jack
5.              Output to Recorder's AUX or MIC Jack

NOTE:  The cassette cable used on the Color Computer is the same as that
used on TRS-80 machines and the IBM Personal Computer.

5   6   1
 4     2

1.              Comparator Input (Right-Left)
2.              Comparator Input (Up-Down)
3.              Ground
4.              "Fire" buton, High when open, Low when closed.
5.              Vcc, current-limited +5VDC

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