The Mutt E-Mail Client : Getting Started : Reading Mail - The Index and Pager : The Pager
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2.3.2. The Pager

By default, Mutt uses its builtin pager to display the body of messages. The pager is very similar to the Unix program less though not nearly as featureful.

<Return>        go down one line
<Space>         display the next page (or next message if at the end of a message)
-               go back to the previous page
n               search for next match
S               skip beyond quoted text
T               toggle display of quoted text
?               show keybindings
/               search for a regular expression (pattern)
ESC /           search backwards for a regular expression
\               toggle search pattern coloring
^               jump to the top of the message
$               jump to the bottom of the message

In addition, many of the functions from the index are available in the pager, such as delete-message or copy-message (this is one advantage over using an external pager to view messages).

Also, the internal pager supports a couple other advanced features. For one, it will accept and translate the ``standard'' nroff sequences for bold and underline. These sequences are a series of either the letter, backspace (ˆH), the letter again for bold or the letter, backspace, ``_'' for denoting underline. Mutt will attempt to display these in bold and underline respectively if your terminal supports them. If not, you can use the bold and underline color objects to specify a color or mono attribute for them.

Additionally, the internal pager supports the ANSI escape sequences for character attributes. Mutt translates them into the correct color and character settings. The sequences Mutt supports are:

ESC [ Ps;Ps;Ps;...;Ps m
where Ps =
0    All Attributes Off
1    Bold on
4    Underline on
5    Blink on
7    Reverse video on
3x   Foreground color is x
4x   Background color is x

Colors are
0    black
1    red
2    green
3    yellow
4    blue
5    magenta
6    cyan
7    white

Mutt uses these attributes for handling text/enriched messages, and they can also be used by an external autoview script for highlighting purposes. Note: If you change the colors for your display, for example by changing the color associated with color2 for your xterm, then that color will be used instead of green.

The Mutt E-Mail Client : Getting Started : Reading Mail - The Index and Pager : The Pager
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