The Mutt E-Mail Client : Getting Started
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Next: Moving Around in Menus

2. Getting Started

This section is intended as a brief overview of how to use Mutt. There are many other features which are described elsewhere in the manual. There is even more information available in the Mutt FAQ and various web pages. See the Mutt Page for more details.

The keybindings described in this section are the defaults as distributed. Your local system administrator may have altered the defaults for your site. You can always type ``?'' in any menu to display the current bindings.

The first thing you need to do is invoke mutt, simply by typing mutt at the command line. There are various command-line options, see either the mutt man page or the reference.

2.1. Moving Around in Menus

2.2. Editing Input Fields

2.3. Reading Mail - The Index and Pager

2.3.1. The Message Index
2.3.2. The Pager
2.3.3. Threaded Mode
2.3.4. Miscellaneous Functions

2.4. Sending Mail

2.4.1. Editing the message header
2.4.2. Using Mutt with PGP
2.4.3. Sending anonymous messages via mixmaster.

2.5. Forwarding and Bouncing Mail

2.6. Postponing Mail

The Mutt E-Mail Client : Getting Started
Previous: Copyright
Next: Moving Around in Menus