The Mutt E-Mail Client : Getting Started : Reading Mail - The Index and Pager
Previous: Editing Input Fields
Next: The Message Index

2.3. Reading Mail - The Index and Pager

Similar to many other mail clients, there are two modes in which mail is read in Mutt. The first is the index of messages in the mailbox, which is called the ``index'' in Mutt. The second mode is the display of the message contents. This is called the ``pager.''

The next few sections describe the functions provided in each of these modes.

2.3.1. The Message Index Status Flags

2.3.2. The Pager

2.3.3. Threaded Mode

2.3.4. Miscellaneous Functions

The Mutt E-Mail Client : Getting Started : Reading Mail - The Index and Pager
Previous: Editing Input Fields
Next: The Message Index