The Mutt E-Mail Client : Getting Started : Moving Around in Menus
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2.1. Moving Around in Menus

Information is presented in menus, very similar to ELM. Here is a table showing the common keys used to navigate menus in Mutt.

j or Down       next-entry      move to the next entry
k or Up         previous-entry  move to the previous entry
z or PageDn     page-down       go to the next page
Z or PageUp     page-up         go to the previous page
= or Home       first-entry     jump to the first entry
* or End        last-entry      jump to the last entry
q               quit            exit the current menu
?               help            list all keybindings for the current menu

The Mutt E-Mail Client : Getting Started : Moving Around in Menus
Previous: Getting Started
Next: Editing Input Fields