The Mutt E-Mail Client : Getting Started : Editing Input Fields
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2.2. Editing Input Fields

Mutt has a builtin line editor which is used as the primary way to input textual data such as email addresses or filenames. The keys used to move around while editing are very similar to those of Emacs.

A or <Home>    bol             move to the start of the line
^B or <Left>    backward-char   move back one char
Esc B		backward-word	move back one word
^D or <Delete>  delete-char     delete the char under the cursor
^E or <End>     eol             move to the end of the line
^F or <Right>   forward-char    move forward one char
Esc F		forward-word	move forward one word
<Tab>           complete        complete filename or alias
^T              complete-query  complete address with query
^K              kill-eol        delete to the end of the line
ESC d		kill-eow	delete to the end ot the word
^W              kill-word       kill the word in front of the cursor
^U              kill-line       delete entire line
^V              quote-char      quote the next typed key
<Up>            history-up      recall previous string from history
<Down>          history-down    recall next string from history
<BackSpace>     backspace       kill the char in front of the cursor
Esc u		upcase-word	convert word to upper case
Esc l		downcase-word	convert word to lower case
Esc c		capitalize-word capitalize the word
^G              n/a             abort
<Return>        n/a             finish editing

You can remap the editor functions using the bind command. For example, to make the Delete key delete the character in front of the cursor rather than under, you could use

bind editor <delete> backspace

The Mutt E-Mail Client : Getting Started : Editing Input Fields
Previous: Moving Around in Menus
Next: Reading Mail - The Index and Pager