Larry Marder’s
Tales of the Beanworld

About the BeanWeb

Viewing the BeanWeb | What's New | BeanWeb History | Mailing List

Viewing the BeanWeb

The BeanWeb was developed using Netscape Navigator 3.0. One goal was to make the BeanWeb as friendly as possible to most browsers, including text browsers such as Lynx. Most browser-specific extensions are not used with the exception of the Map of the Known Beanworld, which is a client-side image map. There are no tables or frames, and all images have ALT tags.

If you have a graphic browser that allows you to set a background color, the BeanWeb is best viewed with a pure white background. I recommend letting the page override your default colors. Sorry, but it makes scans much nicer.

If you find any problems, please let me know.

[Scared Hoi-Polloi] What's New

How the BeanWeb came about

Around 1989, my friend David gave me an issue or two of Tales of the Beanworld that he had picked up while comic book shopping. I hadn't read too many comic books before, but I was immediately hooked. I had so many questions about everything. Fortunately there was a local store that was well-stocked with back issues. I devoured them, reading them over and over. Then I began to wait for issue 19.

The BeanWeb came about because I wanted there to be a site on the web that does the Beanworld justice. Alex Rosenheim had a Web site with some neat things, but I wanted character descriptions, longer issue summaries, and a lot of other stuff. So I started building the BeanWeb in the fall of 1995. Since then I've switched jobs more than once and moved half way across the USA. The BeanWeb's home is pretty stable, but may end up moving to a more permanent domain when it gets the chance.

Oh, yeah - the Beanworld Press likes, and supports, this site. Yes!

[The author as a Bean]
Self-portrait of the
author as a Bean

Comments, encouragement and contributions are welcome. Marcel Duchamp said "The viewer is the one who makes the painting", and it applies to the BeanWeb too! What would you like to see? Let me know.

Keep me posted!

If you'd like to be notified when the BeanWeb is improved, you can join the BeanWeb mailing list. This is a low-volume list, with highly unperiodic mailings.

Larry Marder Bio | Deeper Issues | D-I-Y Beanworld | Beanworld UAQ
Beanworld Press | Internet Resources | Publishing Information
About the BeanWeb

Characters | Places | Things | Ecology | Glossary | Map
Ashcans | Issues | Beanworld Press
